Wandrer News

Wandrering the winter cycling capital of the world

4 March 2023 by Pearl in articles, community

Craig and I have very much enjoyed learning more about winter cycling from Wandrer Pekka Tahkola, an urban planner and well-being engineer who lives in Oulu, Finland. We recommend following him on social media (Instagram / Twitter / YouTube). Oulu is the the winter cycling capital of the world and this BBC News short video and Pekka’s head-to-head Winter Safe Cycling Showdown make it clear why.

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What's new at Wandrer: February 2023

28 February 2023 by Pearl in updates

Another month has flown by, very quickly as our time has been divided between working on Wandrer, finishing our bike tour in Taiwan, and taking care of our sweet little growing baby. So what have we been up to at Wandrer?

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March is Sign Appreciation Month at Wandrer!

19 February 2023 by Pearl in updates, community

During our bike tour of Taiwan, Craig and I have spent a lot of time looking at and chatting about all the great signs we see. We decided that it’s high time to celebrate signs, have some fun with all you Wandrers, and give out a few prizes too!

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Scooters of Taiwan

13 February 2023 by Pearl in updates, community

Curated by Craig, our favorite scooters of Taiwan. Shortly after we arrived, Craig noticed that there are many, many delightful scooter names and mottos all over the city. There are also a TON of scooters. It’s pretty common that we’ll be out walking and I’ll go to say something to Craig, only to realize that he’s giggling to himself about 30 feet behind me at a new scooter. Don’t worry, we’re not done with the trip and I’ll keep updating these as we go! Cheers, your diligent scooter documentation team.

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