Wandrer News

What's happening at Wandrer

31 January 2023 by Pearl in updates

Congratulations to our yearly competition winners for 2022! Our top Wandrers for 2022 were graubünden (17,845 unique miles / 28,718 unique km on bike) and Pierre Paladin (3,312 unique miles / 5,330 unique km on foot). It boggles my mind to even contemplate traveling those distances by bike or on foot in a single year. This month we also highlighted two folks who use Wandrer and have done some impressive exploring, Bryan Bischof and Aaron Chamberlain.

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Exploring Texas by bicycle

29 January 2023 by Pearl in articles

We enjoyed reading about Aaron Chamberlain’s journey around Texas in Texas Monthly. You can read details about each week: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. It’s inspiring to read how adventures can be found close to home. Reading such a detailed ride report is a good reminder that these adventures aren’t always easy either, with unexpected hills, wind, physical discomfort and the mental funks brought about by such challenges.

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What does it take to walk every street in Berkeley?

24 January 2023 by Pearl in articles

The Berkeleyside wrote an article about Wandrer user Bryan Bischof’s quest to walk every street in Berkeley (approximately 288 unique miles / 463 unique km). Attempting to reach 100% is essentially impossible and maintaining > 99% requires dedication (new roads can be added with an update, making the 99% achievement frustratingly fleeting). As Bryan describes it though, that is “the futility of perfection”. If you see someone walking an adorable dog named Ravioli (:swoon:) in the Berkeley area, it’s probably Bryan! Good luck getting back above 99%.

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Planning a Wandrer team adventure in Taiwan

21 November 2022 by Pearl in updates

Craig and I are planning our next big Wandrer adventure - a trip to Taiwan to cycle tour and work remotely. Of course, the real adventure is that we had a baby in August and have embarked on a lifelong parenting journey. Thus far, we are blessed with an easy baby, which makes taking her on a months-long adventure seem possible. The decision to have a baby was not an easy one for us, in no small part because we did not want to lose out on the ability to explore the world, both locally and further afield. This trip is a mission to prove to ourselves that it can be done.

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