We appreciate the kind words about Wandrer and the riding inspiration on the Pandas Do It Better blog. For those who don’t read German (like us, sadly), Google Translate works well.
Read articleRead about how Wandrer compares to the experience of VeloViewer tiling over on the Explorer Square blog. One thing that stood out to me is how our perception of riding “everywhere” can change depending on how you look at the map – do you include dirt roads? What about dead ends? Dead ends can be tedious to ride, but also rewarding to explore (we’ve found neighborhood gathering spots, unknown community gardens, unexpected paths to other streets, huge piles of abandoned tires, etc.). No matter what motivates you to explore (tiling or completing every road), I hope you find reasons to keep getting out there.
Read articleThanks to the Caley Fretz at CyclingTips for this write-up about Wandrer! It did temporarily overwhelm the site with an influx of traffic, but that’s certainly a good problem to have.
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